Cuppers Carrosserieën

Lichtenvoorde, The Netherlands

With 55 employees, including its own engineers, more than 50 years of experience and customers all over the world, Cuppers Carrosserieën is a market player of considerable stature. The company ships out a vehicle every week. Made with a great deal of professional skill at the family business in Lichtenvoorde, in which the third generation is now active.

In relation to animal welfare, there is growing demand for closed livestock trucks, which prevents draughts and ensures that animals arrive at their final designation in good health. With livestock trucks of this kind, lighter materials are used, for example for the side panels. Welding is not a suitable connecting technique for these. Furthermore, in order to avoid damage or distortion of materials and parts, preferably no heat is used in the production process. Bonding offers a good alternative here.

Closed trucks for livestock transport
Open trucks for livestock transport

Within the Cuppers team, a group of about six employees perform the bonding and sealing work. SABA was initially used mainly for lighter applications, such as sealing and bonding the air vents in the trucks. Today, adhesives are also applied structurally. The side panels are positioned in the aluminium profile with the aid of Sabatack® Fast. Bonding with 2-component Sabatack® Fast creates a strong, durable bond. The product also offers process security through the controlled curing. 

Would you like to receive non-committal advice on the advantages that SABA can offer in your production processes? Arrange an appointment at +31 (0)315 65 89 99 or

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