Ambulanz Mobile

Schönebeck, Germany

Sabatack®: Excellent adhesion to ABS

Produced in Schönebeck (D), saving lives all around the world: The company Ambulanz Mobile has been involved in converting transport vehicles to rescue vehicles for relief and rescue services for over 26 years. Every year, the company from the east of Germany with around 280 employees produces approximately 1,600 vehicles.

Its cooperation with SABA resulted when Ambulanz Mobile was looking for a solution for the adhesion of ABS plastics. ABS is often used in the interior of ambulances, but as a substrate for bonding work, it throws up certain challenges. Sabatack® has been used successfully for many years in various manufacturing processes of Ambulanz Mobile.

The production process at Ambulanz Mobile can be broken down into several phases. Converting a van into an ambulance takes around five to seven working days. This conversion involves installing reclining seats, drawers for medical equipment, sirens and blue lights, among other things. Wider side doors and a raised roof are also important adaptations.

SABA products can be found throughout the tour of the production plants. During our visit a production employee is in the process of bonding a floor using Sabatack®. This process can be seen in the video.

Ambulanz Mobile often uses ABS in the production of the interiors due to its high-quality appearance. The flashing lights, often made of PMMA or PC, are bonded and sealed using Sabatack®. The video shows how these different materials can be easily connected with SABA adhesives. Sabatack® is widely used both inside and outside the vehicles, for example in sealing edges, interior trim parts, etc.

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