Despite the constant care exercised in preparing this website, there can be no guarantee as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained therein. We are likewise unable to guarantee the suitability of this information for the purposes of those who consult this website. All information, products, and services are offered in their original state and without any guarantee (implicit or otherwise) as to their suitability for any purpose whatsoever.
SABA Dinxperlo BV cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage, of any kind whatsoever, caused by or related in any way whatsoever to the use of the SABA website or the inability (temporary or otherwise) to consult the SABA website. Nor are we liable for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of information obtained from the SABA website.
The information on the SABA website (including this legal information) is regularly revised. Changes can take immediate effect without any prior notice.
Our recommendations and instructions for use are based on the present state of the art. Customers and users should evaluate our products themselves in relation to their required application and requirements. We accept no liability in the event that our products are not applied in accordance with our recommendations and/or instructions for use. Furthermore, the General Terms and Conditions of SABA Dinxperlo BV of November 2008 apply to our recommendations, instructions for use and the delivery of our products.
See also our General Terms and Conditions: